The Operation Management System (OMS) equipped with a building management module. This module distinguishes into diverse module of relative organization structure. OMS engages into the hospitality industry for a complete solution in management. The system links every single task by schedule or occasion with tracking and the result will report to the system for assessment. A perquisition standard will apply for auditing. Diverse report could be generated as per management request for valuation such as Kernel Programming Interface (KPI). A handheld device APP+ could execute the system accessibly.
Customer Service Module
All customer service under the OMS will have a destinated procedure circuit to ensure every service instruction had been executed accordantly.
Service instruction could be executed by devices such as phone, IPTV, PC console etc.
Once the instruction is received, the system will generate an order instruction to execute. A guest service attendant or AI robot will be selected in next available accordantly by the system.
Every order worksheet will track under perquisition standard for valuation.
Any incident will be reported to the system for alternative solutions.
All date will be stored and generate into diverse report formats as requested by the management.
Housekeeping Module
This module allows user within the organization structure to report any condition to coefficient of work task to corresponding organization. Once the report is generated, relative scope of work will assign and track until completion. Additional functions such as report of lost, inventory of consumables and room status diagram induce a effective outcome to customer experience.
All tasks will monitor and access both automatically and manually under the system.
Once the task condition is completed, sequence of procedure will access to the PMS for a cleaned room status.
Every task will track under perquisition standard for valuation.
Any incident restrained the procedure, alert will send to correspondent and track for solution until completion.
All date will be stored and generate into diverse report formats as requested by the management.
Maintenance Module
Report of incident should be handled instantly to eliminate exacerbate the current problem. This module will emphasize on effectively manage all maintenance work complete in a reasonable time frame.
Order could be generated by diverse organization structure at their routine identify.
Photo with description by STT module (transfer speech to wording) and corresponding action require would be described.
Necessary action and allocation of resources would be sharing among organization to analyze and solve.
Completion report with photo and description would be reported. Material used and manpower calculation would be remarked.
Follow up checking to similar incident and reimbursement to material after inventory.
OneBox APP support IOS, Hongmeng and Android smartphone system. OneTouch APP effectively improve work efficiency to housekeeping, engineering, and senior management. Hotel guest could download HoTEL APP to improve hotel stay experience. By using the APP, guest could place any room service order and online shopping. The social media platform on the APP could share your emotion interact with the others.
OMS interface agreements are gained to hotel systems such as PMS, Telecommunication System, IDS, and remote courier robot.
OneBox cloud solution system cohesive every single sufficient workability across your hotel management.